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38 Vista | 0 Commenti
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Identità personale

Age42 anni
qui aRelazione seria
livello accademicoNon specificato
Paese Germania
City Bremen, Bremen
origine Germania
Stato civilesingolo
FumareNon specificato
JobNon specificato

Il mio fisico e +

In cerca di uomo
Colore occhi Non specificato
Colore capelli Non specificato
Tipo di corpo Non specificato
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peso Non specificato
Avere figli Non specificato
Vuoi avere figli Non specificato
Mosso dall'amore Non specificato
La religioneNon specificato

un po 'di me

life is to short to play games,i just want to enjoy life with a person,be friends,be serious about what you expect from a friend and or mate be up frontAm ultimately looking for a serious relationship but that must
start as friends.

Cosa mi aspetto dal mio partner

I pray for someone who is smart enough to know that a woman's kindness should not to be taken for her weakness. a God motivated man,one who I can admire and adore because he knows how to handle his business and if he dont he's not afraid to ask a
nd learn how to. I pray for someone who is not into games and will love only one woman (ME)Evelyn(YOUR bestfriend, lover,wife,otherhalf)With heart and mind. I pray that he is kind,loyal,a versitile brother who wants to grow old with me.\line

I criteri che dovrebbero essere rispettati

Nessun criterio è stato personalizzato

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Gusti musicali

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Come animali domestici?

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Bevi alcolici?

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Cucine preferite

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Film preferito

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Canzone preferita

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